Jo,Jo I would recommend having a shot at 2 weeks and then a month. Provided you can easily reach a week already. The key is to always be busy, particularly doing something physical, that is where it really helps. Robert’s video has shed even more light on the subject, which has really fired me up.

jojo October 24, 2012 at 5:06 pm Thanks for all the replies, you guys. I’ve decided that I’m just going to go for the long hall. Go as long as I possibly can. I was thinking a one to two week cycle but the more I read, the more I’m pumped to see if I can’t go the rest of my life. It’s all pretty exciting stuff! And ya, I think I can handle it because the first week was not that bad. Day 5 was really the only shitty day where I was finding it hard to hold out, but I will go the rest of my life without porn. I just hate the stuff and hate the way I feel after watching it. And I agree Ed. Robert’s video was definitely inspiring, two thumbs up.

Ed October 25, 2012 at 4:39 am The sluggish feeling you get from fappin is just, so mindnumbing. It would be interesting to field test a guy doing day or night game with really good material, who was doing no fap and comparing with a guy who was fapping. You would probably need a good few guys to do the experiement, it would come up with some interesting results.

comeback October 25, 2012 at 6:18 am @Ed – I kinda of unintentionally went through that experiment couple of days back.

I relapsed on 10/21-10/22 going at it 4 times within 24 hrs. The next day, my brain/body simply could not function. I was trying to focus at work but was thinking of 100 different things. My brain was in a state of confusion/depression/foggy/lethargy ..whatever you want to call it .I just felt like going home and sleeping the whole day.

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