May 6, 2010 10:17:00 AM EST ladyraine said... Honestly, I don't understand any of this. I don't recall any girl at any age that I knew or know now that actually calls her friend a "slut", considers casual sex as anything but....well casual sex, or gives a crap who their friends date.

But this whole post honestly sounds really predatory and also creepy. I don't understand why men think they have to "trick" a woman into having sex.

If you have to isolate her and avoid her friends to fuck her, that probably means she and her friends have a good reason why they don't want you around her.

I mean, I get the advice you're giving here and that's "how to get a one-night stand from younger women"......but avoiding her friends and needing to "trick" her is only going to ensure that you ONLY get "one night" (meaning that if you have to act sleazy and sneaky to have sex with her, she's unlikely to ever let you have sex with her AGAIN after that).

I just never imagined that there are still women alive who are sensitive to "slut-shaming" and I genuinely didn't realize that there are women who still CALL other women "sluts" and mean it in an insulting manner.

I mean to me and any woman I've spoken to, as long as he's hot and not a get a high-five for fucking him just like men do in the locker room.

Do I live on a different planet? Sometimes I wonder.

May 6, 2010 2:26:00 PM EST Assanova said... LR, understand that I am going off of my experiences and that of my friends. Personal opinions aside, a lot of younger women will not risk quickly having a ONS with a guy as long as her social reputation is at stake. That, and a lot of younger women are overprotective of their friends.

I think that almost every guy has been in a situation where he was about to leave with a girl, only to have her friends stop them from leaving; been in a situation where he was alone with a girl, only to have her friends try to track her down and cockblock; or been with a girl and not had sex because of her friends being around. Why do you suppose younger women are more likely to have a ONS when they are on Spring Break? It's because their reputations aren't at stake.

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