Is it OK to approach more than one girl at a bar or a club?



I was wondering what to do in case that I approach a girl in a club, and it doesn’t work out. Can I approach other women? How does it look to the other people in the club?

approach more than one girl at a bar


My personal answer is YES!

Many women give their phone numbers to more than one man in a single night. Is this OK? Probably yes, at least it’s socially acceptable. So why would it be wrong for men to do the same, and approach more than one woman?

If you like a girl, you approach her and eventually she refuses, do you need to end your night? No, you have plenty of opportunities.

By the way, it’s a psychological phenomenon for people to over-estimate the attention they get from the people around them. Do you think that when you approached a girl, everyone around just looked at you? Other women in the club/bar don’t always pay attention to you. Most of them probably didn’t even see you approaching. And maybe it’s just one of your female friends? They just have no idea.

If you don’t want to look as if you came to “hunt for chicks”, I suggest to use my strategy that I always recommened – just be social. Just have chats with all kinds of men and women in the club. It makes you look very attractive, as women are attracted to social men.

I suggest that you read my post about how to be attractive in a club.

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Last-modified: 2021-04-28 (水) 00:30:09 (1102d)