Love him or hate him, there's no denying that Mike Matusow is one of the most consistent Main Event players of the last 10 years. 2004 saw a fierce rivalry among 'The Mouth" and Greg Raymer, but it was Ed Foster's AQ that beat Matusow's to send the pro blubbing over the rail. Bad beats are part if the game, but Mike almost seems to wish he could get lucky every now and again.Poker is a game of strategy. You must be aware of your opponents. It is a game of chess. Poker rooms require you to play the role of an actor. have to fool your opponents into a sense of false security. You must make them feel as though they are in control of the game, even if you hold the royal flush. The feeling of suspense in poker games is one of the key factors that distinguish the winners. You could be the one who rakes the most money if you are calm and calculating, even when it gets stressful.While Dan Harrington was busy winning The Main Event in 1995 many people gave their support to Barbara Enright, who had become The Big One's first woman to reach The Final Table.Enright's attempt to win the bracelet was stopped by her pocket eights being outdrawn by 6-3s. This eliminated the Hall of Famer in fifth place. winning poker game Men are such fish.As the Series evolved, it became more and more apparent that the brainchild of Benny Binion would eventually outgrow its home. After 35 years of hosting the event on its home soil, July 2005 was the last time that the Series would enter Binions. Instead, they would move to the larger Rio just down The Strip.2006 was a mind-blowing year for the Series; record-breaking prizepools, a Main Event champion who walked out with $12m (well, actually half of it) and over $156m handed out over the whole series. It seems only appropriate that the champ was called 'Gold', doesn't it?If you see a leak in someones game, exploit it! The player who did this will learn the same lesson we did. Everyone must pay to learn "THE". If you ever feel guilty for taking advantage of someone who is not worthy, you can always recall a time when it happened. REMEMBER do not feel bad Its part of the game, no other player will fill bad for you when he will be the winner!Harman's raise with QQ is called by the Zeidman's 9d-8d and one other. The TsJd?-Qh flop, which saw Zeidman lose a straight and Harman win a top set, was cold. The petite lady pulled ahead on this Td, however the brutal one outer came when he popped the 7d at the river. Ouch.

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Last-modified: 2022-02-16 (水) 20:48:01 (807d)