The rules of poker can be overwhelming at first, especially for a novice. The poker chips, poker rules, betting and pace surely got me confused when I first started, but like anything, the more you do it, the easier it becomes. Texas hold em poker rules don't easily lend themselves to a strategy, at first, so reading up on how the pros look at it really started to give me an angle.Another great little betting tactics is using correctly betting the pot. What I mean by this is, you do not want to underbet the pot and you do not want to overbet the betting strategy "What does he have?" is what you should be thinking. You may draw this conclusion: if the opponent has an ace he has a weak ace, because he only checked after the initial raise before the flop. If had an A-K or A-Q he would have most definitely re-raised.Learn how to bluff. This is a technique that professional players use most of the time to confuse opponents and is lethal against beginners who often will fall for it.The third and most important thing to do to conquer your betting is, at a later time when you aren't playing poker, analyze the information you recorded about yourself on what was stopping you betting.When 5 players double their buy in and 5 get nothing, your only goal is to outlast 5 other players. Surviving is the key to making money and you will make the money an above average amount of time playing TAG. There may even be times when you make the money without ever playing a hand.If there is more than 1 opponent in the pot and I'm in early position, I don't c-bet unless I have a hand. This rule sounds predictable but it rarely causes a problem. If I played against the same group of people on a regular basis, I would mix it up occasionally. But for the average poker player, this is just fine.

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