9 Have fun! Sometimes poker players can get very serious. They even threw up when they were playing. Little did they know that they are missing the most essential part of the game - fun!Each player starts the game by dealing cards. Each gets 2 cards while 5 cards are laid on the table face down. You can then place your bets with the cards you have. The betting continues until the five remaining cards on the table are opened. The player with the highest five-card hand, based on his two cards, wins.After betting has stopped on the flop a fourth hand is dealt to all players. betting card poker A new round of betting begins.This round is known simply as the turn.The next round of betting continues with players each being dealt another card face up. This continues until all poker players at the table (those that have not folded their hand) have 4 cards: one face down, four face up.Texas Hold'em has two compulsory bets. They are placed before each hand begins. are the small blind or big blind. These are important as it means that there are chips to be won in every hand. The player to the left of a dealer pays the small blind, and the player to his left posts the big blind.Once again, a side is dealt a burncard and then the last card is dealt. This card is known by the river. There are now 5 cards on the table and no more will be dealt. Every player now has their best five card poker hand.The betting action continues as it did in the previous rounds. It started with the small-blind and went clockwise to reach the dealer. Each player has the option to call, raise, fold or raise.

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