This Korean episode is about a group of prosperous high school pupils who are involved in a murder case. It explores the particular themes of arriving of age, wealth, and relationships. Kim Tan, the chaebol heir to Jeguk Group, is the particular main character. The half-brother Kim Won is a policeman who tries to solve the offense. Despite the series' dated cinematography, it's a good watch for its characters. The particular main character, Tae-oh, is the narrator and the major character of the particular show. The storyline revolves around the life span of Tae-oh's dad and his partnership together with his mother. The two men are ambitious, which usually makes their storyline compelling and emotional. Unlike in American dramas, that can be amazingly cheesy, a Korean drama is likely to be realistic.This specific Korean drama is placed in Seoul. It is an unkempt apartment which has a communal bathroom and kitchen. Yoon Jong-woo moves to Seoul after accepting a job offer from some sort of friend. He housing costs a relatively inexpensive apartment, and even soon begins to be able to notice strange items happening inside the residence building. Lee Dong-wook plays a serial killer. Film production company is a dark comedy regarding a family's dysfunction.The plot from the show is focused around the 2 main characters: a young man who else is the sole heir to a family business disposition and an focused young girl who else works for their parents. Both are pressured to work to pay off the family bills. The three main characters are connected by a small kitty. The show's plot is built a couple of reunions that happen throughout the 12 months. The four storylines are connected by means of the use of a small pet called a tiger.

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