This works for live videos which are restricted to subscribers and are only a brief duration. We have never had this issue. I'm suffering from a slow and patchy internet connection in my home. I'm using the WiFi mobile hotspot from the motel across the street. I occasionally deliver water to their offices and grab their password, which is refreshed every couple of weeks. This is a way to save money on my internet at home, plus I don’t have cable, so it will be costly to install. I'm renting, to be able to ask my landlord for the password. Is it really that hard to get your own home internet connection via cable? That's why I simply use the Internet from the motel.. This allows me to remain more secretive, as I don't have to put my street address in my internet address for any of the things that I do online.And so whenever there's an exclusive online seminar like from my investing advisor, or my school hosts a guest lecture with a famous professor, or perhaps this unique underground rave event is streaming, it's all the same.. Due to my internet connection being slow which isn't fast enough, I'm not given the possibility of streaming video. When I finally download a video to my computer as I will show how below, it usually takes about a third of the time of the video. As you'll notice that my connection is extremely slow, just 30% of what I'd need to stream video smooth and without buffering interruptions. There's a method to getting around this speed limitation. Save online video on my personal computer. This allows me to watch it many times without needing to stream it once more.This is what I've been doing lately. I launch Chrome browser. Firefox, Safari and every other browser with an inspect tab. Right click on the page. Then, open the page to inspect. Next you switch to the network tab and look for the video playback file. It'll usually contain the extension m3u8. Sometimes it may be something else with a different extension. But, the characters will be present so it will indicate that there is a specific playlist for the video stream. Your video stream is broken into smaller files that your browser downloads and then plays in the order in which they are downloaded. This will ensure that you will have an uninterrupted stream. This is a simple process that requires more data transfer than the size of the file. This is the way the MPEG stream is created and it's not a reason to complain.I then right-click on the playlist and copy the URL (into a clipboard) Then I go directly to the web page which I'd like to download online video. After copying the playlist URL, I hit the submit key. After a few minutes I will see a variety of download options. This indicates file size and speed of transfer. The larger the filesize, the higher quality it's. I'd rather pick lower quality even if it's too slow for my Internet.I downloaded the file. It is usually the format mp4 used for video files. It takes hours however the payoff is well worth it. I'm unable to tune to live broadcasts, therefore I save the broadcast on my computer. This is how I keep current with all the data and information available. It's what I do to keep my mind tickled with interesting ideas and new ideas. It all comes alive when I save my video and turn off the WiFi. Try it out too. There is no buffering, there are no lags and smooth streaming video.

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