DEUCES WILD Our favorite video poker game is full-pay deuces wild. Full-pay deuces is an over 100% game and, for our purposes, this is where the money is. We were no exception. Most people learn video poker on 9/6 machines. Once we tried deuces Wild, we were hooked.I quickly discovered that poker is basically about the battle for money. We use chips, which can be more fun than paper cash and may be less daunting. Cards are the mechanism where we mentally challenge one another to win the cash prize. This is true of cash games and to some extent tournaments. Poker can be seen as the simplest form combat. The winner is the one who has the most at the conclusion of the battle. Poker isn't just for those with money. The rest of the world must also watch. You can enter this potentially lucrative market without any barriers.As I mentioned, I won't provide the strategies. These are easily found in any number books or computer software programs.If you are serious about winning poker tournaments, then you should adjust your strategy at each table. You need to be unpredictable at the last table. If you want your opponents to be a little more unpredictable, it is important to play with more recklessness. Play with some bad hands, especially if there isn't a lot at stake. Don't wait for great cards. Although you played cautiously in the beginning, you must take risks in order to survive the tournament. The final table allows you to gamble.Strategie is important. Don't play dumb! Freeroll tournaments are not a place where players can make big folds. When you have a hand play a straight forward style of poker. Once you have made your hand, put your chips in. You should only trap check situations in which you are certain that your opponents will shove all-in. Then you call and make a double up. Sometimes you may find yourself behind and need to play some more poker. Once you are in the top 3, you will have a $10 bankroll that you can use to start playing $1 Sit and Go. Your bankroll will grow quickly if you play solid poker here. Don't be alarmed that there are only ten buy-ins. You can also try the freerolls again if necessary. Because didn't deposit your own money, you can still play.Before you decide to play in a game, it is important to consider your bankroll. Different people will have different perspectives so you need find what works best for you. I do not think you buy-in to a live game with less than 100 BB (big-blinds). Some prefer 50BB while others prefer to bring in more. This buy-in should not exceed 10% of your bankroll. If you are playing on-line, you can find some really low limit games. I think you should lower the buy-in limit.Distraction: You can't win a poker tournament if you are distracted.Paying a good attention to your game is a major key to your success.It is advisable when playing at home, the TV, phone and radio should be turned off so that they will not cause you any distraction while playing the online poker game. winning poker game Keep your concentration high and avoid distractions so you don't lose track of your game.If you leave your game up to luck, that's where it will cost you.If you're new to online poker, it is advisable that you play at least 3-4 games at once. This will allow your brain to concentrate on the game without making mistakes.This form can be used at tables against other players. You can also use this form to play your own video games. This is where players must attempt to get the best hand possible without competition.

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