This is something I've learned by trial and error. My mother has been in my life all week long to encourage me and remind me to be prepared for this, and to keep that in mind. My excitement for the first camping trip with my grandchildren, my kids were all I talked about with her. She was all over my preparations, giving me advice and guidance on every situation. I am not averse to my mom's speaking. Even listening to her lectures makes things uncomfortable. Therefore, I attempted to conclude the entire thing faster than I should. This was a huge error.<img width="488" src="">We left in our vehicle and planned to take it all up to the campsite. I wanted to recreate the moment I shared with my dad in days gone by, so I chose the most remote area, which was it turned out to be in a no-service area. Our smartphones were not working and we were basically the only camping campers in the area. I'm not sorry I was expecting a great camping trip..What next? What happened? I had a laptop and few online games. It never made it out of my backpack. I had a great backdrop to show my kids. They just wanted to get up to speed with their school work and check their email and text me. We packed up and headed back. My children created sounds that sounded like piglets enjoying delicious food. I really cherish my children. It was embarrassing. They moaned and groaned as their phones started to sound and announce the arrival of texts. Since then, I've learned how to prepare better and stay out of an area without internet access and no roaming. While on an extended boat ride towards our destination, I discovered myself in need of my two most trusted companions with two tablets and an laptop. They had Hulu online video downloads on one side, Netflix movies, and shows on the opposite. The laptop also contains music videos, as well in some movies I downloaded to watch later on Hulu and Netflix apps via the Windows app store. I've got about 600 hours of material to watch that include the full Will &amp; Grace, Friends and South Park seasons and added episodes.I have many funny videos for kids. I downloaded some YouTube music videos and converted them to MP3 and MP4 formats. I found this web app that allows me download video directly onto my laptop. This allows me to enjoy the videos on my laptop at whenever I want to, as long as I have enough electricity. I record a lot of TV shows, films, as well as online seminars, lectures, etc, anything that's worthwhile to watch later. I save those videos in format mp4 on my laptop, later simply play them with VLC or KMP or any other software that plays video files and supports 4k.4k is another important thing that I insist on. Have you ever watched? The video is amazing. I truly recommend. The new TVs with 4k picture support have amazing software that improves and processes the image. Even though the old video might not look very excellent, due to its squarish blocky recording, the TV makes it look great and gives it a modern smooth video flow. Highly recommended for all boys and girls.

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