are, however, more readily available. Ceramic poker chips are still relatively new. However there are a few companies who offer fully customized ceramic poker cards to home poker players. Ceramic chips start off as a white solid disk that can easily be customized. The entire face, from edge to edge, as well as the edge can be customized. This allows you to alter the design and color. You can use your own artwork, or you can hire someone else to create it. The image on a custom ceramic poker chip is embedded within the chip so that it can not be removed unless you actually damaged the chip. Ceramic chips are considered the most secure chips available.CALL ? If there was a wager on the current poker round, a player can call. Calling involves the player matching the current bet of his/her opponent.4) The card with the lowest face-up value needs to place a small stake, called a 'bring in'. After that, the betting proceeds to the left towards the lower-card player. Each player can call, raise, or fold his cards.As a customer there are 3 boxes in front: the ante/play, pair plus, and the play/paint. The ante is for playing against dealers. The play is for winning by having three cards that are better than their 3 cards. If you like the cards you see, you place your ante to win. Then, match the ante on play box (double your wager) if you are satisfied with the results. If you win, you will double your winnings.I also recommend poker books.Nowadays internet and e-books can be a source of valuable information. card poker game Poker books can provide you with basic knowledge.Books are the best friend of a poker player.If you see that your opponents are stronger than you, it is a good idea for you to fold. You are not supposed to win every hand in poker. Sometimes it is more prudent to play conservatively than to play aggressively. Once in a while it is okay to bluff, but this should be the exception and not the rule. This will make it easy for your opponents to read you.Showdown, a special feature within hold'em, is an option. This is when players attempt combining a card or two from the cards in their hand with the five on the table. There are many combinations of cards that can result in winnings.It's known as a community card game for the reason that there are shared cards that are used by all players, when trying to make their best 5 card hand. Each player will be dealt two hole cards, or private cards. These cards can only see the player to whom they are given. There will be several betting rounds, and five community or shared cards will be dealt. These cards are dealt face down. Players will attempt to create the best possible 5 card hand by using any combination of the 7 cards they have (2 private cards, 5 shared cards). The same principle applies to all poker games.

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