Headache is the most common side effect of Viagra® and its generics, which are also formulated with Sildenafil.More than one in 10 patients may indeed complain of headaches after taking the drug.Other common side effects - which may affect up to 1 in 10 people - include: nausea facial redness hot flashes indigestion visual disturbances: altered vision, colors perceived differently... stuffy nose dizzinessThere are other less common side effects , which may affect up to 1 in 100 people: vomiting Rashes eye irritation / ultra visual sensitivity very strong / accelerated heartbeats hypertension, hypotension muscle aches drowsiness decreased sensitivity to touch dizziness, ringing in the ears dry mouth blocked or clogged sinuses, inflammation of the nasal lining upper abdominal pain gastroesophageal reflux presence of blood in the urine pain in the arms or legs nosebleedFinally, the following side effects are considered rare , may affect up to 1 in 1000 people: fainting stroke heart attack irregular heartbeats temporary decrease in blood supply to parts of the brain feeling of tightness in the throat numb mouth bleeding at the back of the eye swelling of the eye or eyelid, small particles or dots in front of the eyes, seeing halos around lights, dilation of the pupil of the eye, change in color of the white of the eye bleeding from the penis, presence of blood in the semen nasal dryness, swelling of the inside of the nose, feeling irritable sudden decrease or loss of hearingFurthermore, as Viagra® and its generics can cause drowsiness and blurred vision, it is strongly advised not to drive or use machinery until you know the effects of Sildenafil on your body.Contact a healthcare professional immediately if: Your erection lasts more than 4 hours (episode of priapism) You have sudden loss of vision You have chest pain during or after the act (do not take nitrate derivatives to calm it down)The occurrence or intensity of side effects may be dose-dependent. If https://www.men-health.net/ was effective despite the presence of side effects, then your doctor will usually advise you to try a lower dose or an alternative treatment.Each patient reacts differently to each drug , such as Tadalafil , Vardenafil and Avanafil which are active ingredients that work like Sildenafil (active substance of Viagra). It is therefore quite possible that another treatment formulated from one of these molecules is better suited for you. These treatments all belong to the same “family” of drugs, called “ PDE-5 inhibitors ”.Contraindications and precautions for useViagra® should not be taken in combination with nitrates , which are prescribed treatments for angina pectoris, nor in combination with other oral treatments for erectile dysfunction, nor with monoxide. nitrogen like poppers.In addition, any history related to the heart, liver and blood pressure must be the subject of particular attention when you share with your doctor your medical history in order to treat erectile dysfunction.

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