It's tough times. In the new gig economy, I am finding hard to navigate as i was before. I used to do well before the pandemic. However, my primary job as a dental assistant was not that difficult. That's why I decided to take on a night-time security officer job at an area machine plant. It's almost completely automated. The employees are on site during the work day while me and two engineers are the night-time crew. If there is a problem or the machine isn't working in the way it should, I can call my emergency number. Then, I call engineers and/or the outside line to find more engineers. I'm not doing anything. It's true that they're not even creating any valuable product So night time guard is really just a glorified switch board attendant..<img width="301" src="">It's peaceful, and I actually like it. It's quiet. I'm a very spooky sleeper, I get up due to too much of a gas release in the night and here I'm thriving because it's so peaceful, machines create an unforgettable white noise, perhaps this is what I need to try at home - proper ambience.. So I stay up all night at night, laying in bed in anticipation of it to wind down so I can go home earlier. The evenings can be monotonous so I always try new things to help them go by more quickly. I have spent the last two weeks perfecting a dance that I watched on Tik Tok. It's not hard but it's difficult for me to duplicate it. The dance was invented by a young girl on Tik Tok. I'm too old to know how to describe it.I've been experimenting with new car fixing videos in the last few months. While I don't have a method for applying them directly to my car, it's enjoyable to see other people's vehicles get unstoppable. DIY videos are also instructive and easy to follow. It was at this point that I realized that there was another problem. My phone would cease functioning, and I was unable play any video or do other useful activities. Evidently, I discovered how to download YouTube videos Youtube and put them on my phone and , even during the hours of no internet access, I could watch DIY videos straight from my phone. It doesn't matter where you are streaming from, or how you put the videos on your phone, or whether you download them at home, and then connect to your phone to view it offline when there's internet connectivity. It's easy to set up a DVR for your online video and not only TV shows.Talking of TV, I discovered how to download the latest episodes, and even movies, directly to my computer. My laptop is more efficient than my phones and speakers that I bring it with me when I go to work. I joined HULU as well as Netflix. I am now able to download their app and watch films instead of streaming them. The duration of the show as well as quality options will determine how quickly the movie will download onto my device. Then, it will be accessible at all times even without internet access. I'm now able to stream the TV while I commute to work. It's only 15 minutes long, but it allows me to go back and watch some of the episodes I fell asleep to last night.There are also useful or educational materials at home that you can carry with you when working. This makes your time fly by quicker. Youtube's webinars about self-improvement techniques are fantastic. However, it may be hard to keep up with their concepts when the videos are interrupted multiple times. If you don't get it I'll explain. Are you aware of the issue I'm talking about?Sometimes , I take my little son along to work and it's during the times when my wife has her night shift as well which makes it difficult for us to stay at home with the kid. So, I bring my son along and place him in front of the computer screens that I watch. He is asleep in a matter of minutes. If he awakes, I hand him my laptop and a few of the music videos that I downloaded. He's content and I'm also happy to be able to do what I want using my mobile. It's how we get along better as a couple, when we each do our own things. He loves to go to my house with me. This could be due to the fact that he stays up late as children need.

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