If you or a loved one was recently given oxygen therapy, it is likely that you have a lot of questions. To start, what exactly is an oxygen concentrator for portable use, along with how and why they function? You're probably also interested in the cost of these devices, in addition to how you can go about purchasing one of these devices.Luckily, your friends from The Senior List are here to keep you informed in all things related portable oxygen concentrators and their pricing. Did you know that you have the option of renting rather than buy the oxygen unit? Both have pros and cons Let's jump into it and take a deeper look.Who Is Prescribed Portable Oxygen?Portable oxygen is recommended to those who are suffering from low blood oxygen levels. It could be due to conditions such as COPD or asthma. However, it may be due to an infection , or following surgery or illness.If you want to purchase an oxygen concentrator in a portable device, you'll need a prescription. The reason behind this is that it requires a licensed doctor to determine the necessity for oxygen as well as to decide the precise quantity you need. The figure is calculated by liters per minute. Oxygen on its own is a medication, and it is advised that you shouldn't use it without being supervised by a medical professional.What Is A Portable Oxygen Concentrator?Portable oxygen concentrators are a piece of equipment small enough to transport around as you go about the day-to-day routine. In contrast to huge oxygen tanks or even stationary concentrators today, portable oxygen devices are light enough for transporting from room to room, outside, or even on an aircraft.A portable concentrator draws in the air, which increases the oxygen saturation of this air. It accomplishes this by transferring the air via an inlet filter through a compressor the next step is to transfer it to a sieve bed. This process removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, leaving it with an increased oxygen content, up to 95 percent.The concentrator's handheld is hooked up to a tube, and oxygen is then delivered via a nasal canal or an air mask. The result is an increase of blood oxygen levels and thus improving the symptoms associated with asthma, COPD, and other breathing issues.Buying a Portable Oxygen ConcentratorAs we mentioned earlier, the first procedure to acquire a portable oxygen concentrator will be receiving your prescription. It will inform you of the amount of oxygen you require (measured in units of liters per minute) and the method of oxygen administration.The two options by which a concentrator is able to deliver oxygen.<img width="431" src="https://cdns.webareacontrol.com/prodimages/1000-X-1000/1/r/14620172439Respironics-SimplyFlo-Stationary-Oxygen-Concentrator-L.png">The Pulse Dose is a delivery strategy that detects the moment you breathe and then pumps oxygen out in the same manner.Continuous Flow as the name implies Continuous flow delivers a constant, continuous stream of oxygen to the user.You should expect to spend approximately $2500 to buy a decent concentrator, though some models cost about $2000 and some of the more modern ones more than $3500. Inogen portable oxygen concentrators, for example, start at $2,295. Most times, Medicare will cover the cost of your portable oxygen concentrator, depending upon where you'll make your purchase.For those with low blood oxygen levels, a portable oxygen concentrator can make a big difference and is a vital instrument. The cost can be a worry, though that's why we'll take a closer look at the alternative possibility, which is renting.Renting a Portable Oxygen ConcentratorIf you're concerned about the upfront costs of buying an oxygen concentrator that is portable, renting one is a good option to spread the cost a bit. Prices vary among suppliers but, in general you'll pay around $35 daily or $250 per week for renting an oxygen concentrator portable. The cost will be different based on the specific manufacturer and model Therefore, it is important to compare different providers.What to Consider When Purchasing a Portable Oxygen ConcentratorBefore you go ahead and rent or purchase a concentrator it is important to know a few points we'd recommend looking into. Before you do, ensure you're certain of the LPM (liters per minute) you'll need, and you'll know whether your chosen unit delivers the same. This information will be included on your prescription for portable oxygen.It's also worth checking with your doctor regarding when you'll require oxygen. Certain people require it constantly while others require oxygen only while sleeping at the beginning of the morning, during workouts and walking.Last but not least, check if you're required any kind of pulse or continuous flow that your doctor will also detail. The former release oxygen only when you breathe, while the latter continuously releases it. Take note that if have to use it the same with a BiPAP machine, you will require a continuous flow device.In addition, to be clear about the oxygen therapy you require, double-check:What kind of battery does the unit uses and how often you'll need them charged or replace the batteries. Some units are equipped with rechargeable batteries. Inogen's latest units such as the one above, have double battery systems that can provide power to your concentrator for upwards for 13 hours.If there's a warranty, and the duration of it.Check if the device is FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) authorized if you want to fly using it. The majority of units pass this test, but your last wish is to encounter issues in the air.What kind of cleaning or maintenance is required for the unit. Most portable concentrators require periodic external wipedowns, as well as swabbing inlet airways. https://nawmed.com/ should be set to a level that you're preoccupied with noise, especially when you're going to use your device while you sleep. Usually, portable concentrators feature similar volume levels to peaceful indoor conversation, which means they'll cause little disturbance in the event that you use them at the stores or restaurant.The weight, size and measurements of the device. Most portable concentrators weigh at 5lbs or less, which makes them easy to transport wherever you go, but you'll need to be sure you're happy with the dimensions and weight.What other accessories are included? for example, spare batteries, cannula, or carrying case. If these accessories aren't included, you'll need to budget for these items separately, so be sure to add them in when estimating the price of renting or buying the unit.Pros and Cons of Renting and Buying A Portable Oxygen ConcentratorProsThe upfront costs will be lower.You'll have greater flexibility in regard to returning your concentrator.A lot of companies offer the option of extending your rental agreement.Some insurance companies will pay for rentals, but not the purchase of portable oxygen concentrators.Several suppliers offer extras like maintenance or savings on spare batteries when you sign up for a renting deal.For patients with temporary oxygen needs there is a way to save money.Often suppliers will offer ongoing maintenance for your concentrators as an option in your rental agreement.ConsCosts are likely to rise in the near term.It may be stressful when you have to remember to pay every week.Then, you'll need to ship everything to the destination once you're done with your concentrator.

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