A Gift for Kitty: What better way to bring a cat lover joy than to buy a little something for their cat? There are a ton of really unique doodads and widgets for kitties these days. Imagine a robot controlled kitty exerciser or a rhinestone bling bling kitty collar. Sensational!Cat Lovers Gift To err is human, yet, in love, forgiveness is a promise few people can truly sustain. Accidents happen, stupidity takes only a second, a word misplaced, an act of unconsciousness, a fear revealed can destroy the sanctuary of love if we cannot grow from our mistakes.Present for Cat Lovers Eliminating Options: Do everything possible to dissuade your cat from visiting the spot or spots he has chosen instead of the litter box. If possible, make it difficult for your cat to get to those areas easily. You can also make those areas revolting to your cat. Put food bowls on the spot. Cats do not like to relieve themselves where they eat. You can gradually put the bowls back to where they were before when he begins to use the litter box again. You can also spray the area with a citrus scent, which cats do not like. Or try putting a litter box right on that spot.If you're the Serious Seducer, playing cat-and-mouse is every bit as fun as that long-awaited moment when you finally get to lay one full on his or her lips. You're all about subtle undercurrents, intense gazes and mental foreplay that starts long before you take those final footsteps toward the bedroom. Innuendos and double entendres are part of the seduction game. You want a lover who can crack the code of your hidden meanings and is tuned in to your subtle gestures so often missed by the outside world. Your favorite location for lovin' is backed up against the wall! When it comes to kissing, you've been known to hone in on those hidden hot spots... and you always take your time and do it right.Cats spray for one reason and one reason only-to mark their territory. Human beings aren't much different. We set boundaries on land to establish who owns what-only, for the most part anyway, we don't use piss as markers. Cats do, however, and they have done this for thousands of years so it's going to be an uphill battle to get yours to stop. But you are not helpless in your quest. Here are some things you can try. When starting to clean an area try to remove as much of the urine as possible using paper towels or towels. Lay them over the area and actually stand on them to get down to the carpet padding. Most of the cat urine is actually absorbed in the carpet padding, and the actual carpet.Old World ornament fans will appreciate the Christopher Radko designs. It was the Radko ornaments that brought back a love for these old world, handmade and painted decorations. You can see they are made with care as soon as you see them. The cat styles are unique and anyone of them would make a great gift for the cat lover on your list.

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