I am a wallpaper lover! I really appreciate how putting some paper on the walls injects pattern, color, and personality in a way nothing else can. And http://www.benhvienvinhchau.com/Default.aspx?tabid=120&ch=45372 is, wallpaper has come a long way! Removable wallpaper is the best thing that happened to pattern lovers! It's easy to install AND remove which makes it renter (and commitment phob) friendly.As I’ve been planning my house, something about the era of the house and my current taste has me really craving Chinoiserie wallpaper! Seriously, if I could have it in every room of my house, I would!If you’re aren’t sure what Chinoiserie wallpaper is, let me give you a quick lesson! Chinoiserie is French for “from Chinese.” Creative, right ;). It is how Europeans interpreted Chinese and East Asian artistic traditions in everything from music to fabric and wallpaper. The Rococo and chinoiserie styles are related and existed at the same time- they’re known for their over-the-top decoration, stylized nature, and asymmetry. This style was popular in the 17th century.Between 1740 and 1790, European aristocrats fell in love with the hand-painted luxurious wallpaper made by Chinese artists. The patterns include pagodas, floral designs often depicted with birds or butterflies. The wallpaper was created by hand painting designs on silk so it was extremely expensive and had a high-end look.I recently read on Architectural Digest that Chinoiserie panels from the 1700s can sell for 500,000 each now. There’s an argument that the wallpaper is worth the money as it holds it value well.I learned about chinoiserie in college- I saw the hand-painted chinoiserie wallpaper and fabric from the companies de Gournay, Gracie Studio, and I adored the style, but the price was out of my reach. Each panel costs around $600-$100 meaning a full room of traditional Chinoiserie wallpaper can cost $12,000 if the whole room is covered- wow!The wallpaper is still hand-painted, so it’s like covering all the walls in the original artwork. Then you also get the benefit of it being created for the room it is in. I believe rolls of wallpaper can be purchased from Print My Space, but only if you have an interior designer since they only sell through the trade.These options were the only way to buy Chinoiserie wallpaper for years! So the majority of homes just couldn’t have this look- it wasn’t accessible. However, with wallpaper becoming mainstream, there are now lots of options for affordable AND removable chinoiserie wallpaper!

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