Since I gave my baby girl her tablet, this has been my concern for the past two months. According to certain sources, they aid babies develop, enhance cognitive, and other functions. They also help promote social and mental progress. My daughter loves the video. She keeps staring at it with her eyes shining, and her smiles ready to be sucked into her lips. It is fun watching her be entertained. However, I do not know what the commercial breaks. My child is not a consumer of products so why would you insist that I show my baby advertisements on YouTube? at times, not even those that look like babies?<img width="337" src=""> The first thing to note is that babies aren't able to comprehend commercials. They are both a waste of money and a waste resource. This commercial (video) is only one example of waste. They are not babies. It's not possible to claim that they can comprehend so why insist on showing them those advertisements? Are you saying that the ads will be played in the event that the father or mother or other baby care professionals are watching? This is confusing to me and can be annoying.Same goes for the cat videos. Recently, I discovered that my cat enjoys watching these cat videos that are captivating. The majority of them are birds or mice however, my cat watches them without moving for long periods of time. Hunting, I guess.. Yet again and again the videos are interrupted by advertisements. Who is it they are trying to reach? My cat isn't one of the viewers of these videos. For her, ads aren't important. They might be hoping they are watching with my cat. It could be that they are partially right. There are times when I find myself watching silly videos for cats while interacting with my cat.So I found a great solution that I have been using recently. It basically involves downloading Youtube videos to my computer, or onto my daughter's tablet and then playing them using the tablet. Do you get what I am referring to? This site allows me to store video on my own computer and not to have it downloaded to Youtube whenever my cat is interested in watching birds. So, I double-click the MP4 file on my desktop. It then plays in VLC immediately, without commercials, and then goes straight to entertaining my kitty. Similar procedure applies to baby videos. Just search for the videos my daughter likes to watch and then download them onto my computer and copy them onto my table. Sometimes I just do the songs one at a time on her tablet. It is more efficient to visit this website on the desktop of your computer and then to copy videos to wherever you want them. Perhaps it's just me, being an old-fashioned. It was a fantastic way to save mobile data. Before downloading videos from Youtube was possible and I needed to connect my phone to the internet via hotspot or a separate data plan. Sometimes, we used a special data plan to save information on our tablets.I am so glad you liked my tips for a data-rich household. I know this sounds ridiculous.

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Last-modified: 2022-02-22 (火) 14:53:14 (802d)