Bhetti PERMALINK* November 22, 2009 12:31 am Keith: The soulmate concept in the practical real word is misused by women who are addicted to emotional/sexual highs and suffer from severe bouts of rationalisation and self-justification.

I actually bet myself that if I did a google search on the word, I’d find a cheating female in the top results and I did:

PMAFT PERMALINK November 22, 2009 3:48 pm aoefe, is this a picture of your legs?

Considering the frequency at which soulmates encounter each other, it is suprising how they defy the 1/6,692,030,276 odds.

While I agree that soulmates are a myth, I can see how the odds would be better than 1/6,692,030,276. If you assume that your soulmate has something of a similar background to you then the odds are a lot better. For example, I doubt my “soulmate” (if such a thing existed) would be a Kalahari bushwoman.

None of this matters since soulmates are a myth like unicorns.

Keith PERMALINK November 22, 2009 4:01 pm @Bhetti

“The soulmate concept in the practical real word is misused by women who are addicted to emotional/sexual highs and suffer from severe bouts of rationalisation and self-justification.”

You can expand your statement according to the following formula:

“The X concept in the practical real word is misused by X who suffer from severe bouts of rationalisation and self-justification.”

Girly Girl PERMALINK November 22, 2009 4:29 pm There is a Yale researcher and psychiatrist who (amongst others in the medical community) has proven the medical benefits of past life regression therapy. In many of those case studies, the spouses of patients were often present in past lives. So yes, while the person might definitely not be perfect for you, there can be such a thing as destiny.

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