If you don't keep records then you can't learn as quickly as you should from your mistakes. You might not be able learn from them. might just forget about them after a while. Your poker journal allows you to tap the most powerful poker tools that exist.Two pairs: A pair is made up of the same cards. Two Pairs consist of two set of same value cards. Two players must have the exact same two pairs of cards. The fifth card will determine the winner.Poker is about making money. But that's not the only thing you should be thinking about when you play. Every time you have the opportunity to call, check or place a bet, it is important that you make the right decision. Always focus on making the best decision at the time without worry about your money. You will win more money by making good decisions in a given game.When you learn how to play winning poker your edge in knowledge and practice will payoff in cash winnings. This is the ultimate gage of your ability. Tournament games are different from cash games, so you'll need to learn how to distinguish them.Play big pairs fast. After studying thousands of hands involving big pairs (Queens / Kings / Aces) it has been proven that the best way to play the hand is aggressively. There are three possible outcomes to aggressively playing pre-flop: your opponents fold and you win, your opponents call/raise with the best hand, or your opponents call/raise with the worst hand. Your opponent may have a better hand if you hold Queens, Kings, or Aces. If you slow-play the hand, your opponents have many chances to beat you and make the hand loser.winning poker game It is also important to consider where the players are sitting at the table.It is always a good idea to be the last to act. This will allow you to observe the actions of your opponents and help you create a game plan.You should realize that playing more doesn't always mean winning more. It can often mean losing more. The biggest mistake new poker players make, is to play too many hands. When you first start playing poker, the number one mistake is that you play too many hands. Remember that you can fold!

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