This is a question I have asked since I first given my daughter the tablet and all the Youtube channels specifically made for babies. Supposedly they all help babies grow, improve cognitive functions and other ones as they progress both mentally and socially. I can see my daughter enjoying the program. She is constantly looking at it with her sparkling eyes and smiling, ready to fly off of her lips. However, I do not comprehend all the commercial breaks. My child is not a consumer, why are you pushing some of the most un-baby-like advertisements on my child, YouTube? The first thing to note is that commercials are not understood by babies. It's a complete expense and also a waste of resources, such as time spent in creating and playing this commercial advertisement (video) for a baby.. Babies aren't smart and they aren't able to comprehend! If you're saying that, then why insist on playing those ads for them little babies? Are you saying that if parents or maybe other baby care workers are watching, then they'll be able to benefit from the ads? This is confusing to me and is annoying.Same is with the cat videos.. Recently, I realized that my cat enjoys watching these captivating videos for cats. Most of the time, it's mice or birds, however, my cat is enthralled by the fact that they don't be able to stay still for long. Perhaps hunting. They continue to interrupt the videos with advertisements, trying to convince you to buy something. My cat doesn't watch these videos. The advertisements aren't pertinent to her. But maybe they are hoping I'll be watching the videos with my cat? Although they may be partly accurate, I've noticed that I am watching these videos of cats with my cat more often than any other useful thing.This is why I've discovered a great solution I've been using for a while. It involves downloading Youtube videos directly onto my computer or to my daughter’s tablet. And then, I'm able to play later. It's easy to understand. This website gives me to store the video on my personal computer, and not be downloaded to Youtube whenever my cat is interested in watching birds. This means that I can simply double-click the mp4 file to save it on my desktop. Then it plays in VLC immediately without any advertisements and immediately begins the fun of my cat.It works the same way with baby videos. I simply search for the videos that my daughter loves to watch, then download them from Youtube to my desktop , and then transfer them to her tablet from there. Although it could be just a couple of songs, I'll copy them onto her tablet. It's far easier to use this website using my desktop computer, and then transfer the files into the location you'd like. Maybe that's me, being old school. This strategy actually proved to be to be a fantastic way to save data on mobile devices. Before downloading videos from Youtube, I had no idea how to save my mobile data.I'm thrilled that you enjoyed my suggestions and tricks to help data and Internet wealthy households. It may sound silly.<img width="312" src="">

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