Hopefully I've convinced you that a poker journal will really add value and results to your poker game. The HOW is easy. You just need to start doing it. These are some things that I've done for years in my poker notebook. Hopefully you will find some useful.If you want the ultimate goal of winning poker tournaments then you need to adjust how you play at the final table. You need to be unpredictable at the last table. If you want to keep your opponents guessing, you need to play with more recklessness. Play with some bad hands especially if there aren't many stakes. Do not wait for the best cards. You may have played cautiously in the beginning but you must take chances to survive the tournament. The final table allows you to gamble.This is something that everyone struggles with. Tilt is when you are upset and begin to play badly. It usually happens when you have suffered a really bad beat or you felt that you misplayed a hand. There are many other factors that can make someone "on tilt." This could be an obnoxious player, someone who is rude on the floor, or someone who raises every pot.How the players are seated at the table should also be considered. It is always best to be the last person to act. This will give you an opportunity to observe your opponents actions and help you develop a game plan.Don't talk too much: Never waste time in talking to your opponents. This will give players a glimpse of your personality and may reveal your true playing style. Avoid talking too much because it can distract you and possibly let you make mistakes.If http://huku.fool.jp/kodomo/wiki/index.php?smedreeves722948 become cautious to make it in the game, they should start stealing blinds.Avoid confrontations with players who have much larger stacks than you, as it could spell the end of your day.If you need to go all in, make sure you do so after only one person bets. winning poker game Forcing the opponents who are following you to fold is a good idea.You can save $10,000. Sit down and look at your pocket tens. Reraise Sammy Farha?s open, flop full house. Slowplay, get your money into, realize that you've been cold decked on the A-A?T flop, grab your coat, and go. Thank you and goodnight.

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