First things first, familiarization with the winning hand rankings is essential. This order holds true for all versions of poker. The following is a list of the highest to least winning hands. The four suits are clubs (diamonds, hearts, spades), and hearts (hearts).The action begins with the first player to the left of a dealer in this and all subsequent betting rounds. This player can either check, or bet (he cannot increase as no bets were made in this round). should also not fold because it does nothing to him to remain in the hand. The play continues clockwise, as in the previous betting round. Each player must call, check, or fold before the pot is full.Texas Hold'em allows each player to be dealt two hole or pockets cards. Five community cards are flipped at the table. Three cards come on the flop, one is on the turn card, and one is on the river. Players use their pocket cards and the five available community cards to form the best five cards poker hand. There is a round of betting card poker before the flop, after the flop, after the turn card and one final round after the river. The object of this game is to make the best hand possible or force all the other players to fold.The Dealer will then begin to deal cards clockwise around the table, beginning with the small blind. Each player will be left with two cards, as shown above. Dealing should conclude with the dealer dealing the last card.Crazy Pineapple is a game where each player is dealt three cards from his or her pocket. Then, a round of betting begins. The dealer then turns over three community card (the flop), and a second round follows. All players must then discard one of their pockets cards. The turn card is then flipped and followed by a round betting. The river card is then flipped and a fourth round of betting take place. Players can use either their remaining pocket or three community cards, or both. Players can also choose five community cards to represent their hand. This poker variation offers an additional strategic dimension through the discarding of one of your pockets cards.According to one report, the majority of professional poker tour players are dedicated Hearts players who wager big on cutthroat Hearts games in mysterious dark rooms during tournaments. As romantic as that may sound it would make sense for these card-sharks to love Hearts. This is a game of matching cards, and no bidding. It can be a very childlike game, but can also turn into a competitive nightmare. Hearts can be played in many ways that will screw your opponents. Trick-winning and passing card are big elements of Hearts.Round 4: The river. This is the last round of betting. The dealer places the fifth card on a table and betting continues in the same manner as round 2.

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