Water transfer technology is the most recent electronic imaging technology that goes beyond any printing technology. The largest technical benefit of water transfer printing is No unique equipment, no restriction of media, no unique consumables, no high temperature level home heating, as long as you have photo input (scanner or digital video camera), illustration (computer), image output (inkjet printer) With the enhancement of water transfer ink and also water transfer paper, you can publish any type of picture on any kind of strong object and any rounded surface as you desire, with bright shades as well as affirmative photo-level high quality.<img width="323" src="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-lGOCMWdaKO4/Tk5WEkUL6qI/AAAAAAAABn4/W1jAevebeDA/s1600/Aug6+003.JPG">Ability concept: There are 2 kinds of water transfer abilities, one is water mark transfer skills, and also the various other is water curtain transfer skills. https://appliqueleader.en.alibaba.com/product/1600073868673-819693658/Wholesale_Black_Nail_Foil_Sticker_Polish_Designer_Fall_Leaf_Sticker_Decal_Water_3d_Color_Nail_Art.html?spm=a2700.shop_plfe.41413.14.50fa6897q5jmhU finishes the transfer of text and also images, while the last has a tendency to perform a perfect transfer on the whole product surface.

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