MUST READS&nbsp;<div class="mol-img-group floatRHS" style="style"> <div class="mol-img">  <div class="image-wrap">  <img id="i-48005dc12e007307" src="" website height="470" width="306" alt="ACTRESS by Anne Enright (Vintage £8.99, 272 pp)" class="blkBorder img-share" style="max-width:100%">  </div>  <noscript>  <img id="i-48005dc12e007307" website height="470" width="306" alt="ACTRESS by Anne Enright (Vintage £8.99, 272 pp)" class="blkBorder img-share">  </noscript> </div> <p class="imageCaption">ACTRESS by Anne Enright (Vintage £8.99, 272 pp)</p></div><p class="mol-para-with-font"><span class="mol-style-bold mol-style-medium debate-ccox">ACTRESS</span></p><p class="mol-para-with-font"><span class="mol-style-bold">by Anne Enright </span><span class="mol-style-bold">(Vintage £8.99, 272 pp)</span></p><p class="mol-para-with-font">When the author Norah FitzMaurice is approached by a PhD student who wants to write a thesis about her mother, a legendary Irish actress, Norah considers replying: ‘I have written five novels since my mother died and they are still described as "written by the daughter of Katherine O'Dell" '.</p><p class="mol-para-with-font">When she agrees to talk to the student, the encounter stirs up so many unresolved memories that Norah's husband says she should write her own book about her mother.</p><p class="mol-para-with-font">Notorious for the intensity of her performances ?as well as for shooting a colleague in the foot when the balance of her mind was disturbed ? Katherine is an enigma even to Norah.</p><p class="mol-para-with-font">Anne Enright's brilliant novel is a darkly glittering account of the cost to both the mother and her daughter of Katherine's complicated fame.</p><div> <div data-track-module="am-related_carousel^related_carousel" data-track-selector=".rotator-panels a:not([class*=external])" data-dm-rotator-rotate="false" data-track-pos="static" data-dm-rotator-auto-init="" id="p-20" class="related-carousel with-fb-or-tw home half" data-dm-rotator-active-class="active" data-dm-rotator-page-count="1.0" data-dm-social-article-auto-init="" data-dm-rotator-page-size="1">  <div class="rotator bdrcc">  <div class="rotator-title">   <h2>RELATED ARTICLES</h2>   <ul class="rotator-pages link-xocc">   <li class="rotator-prev"> # </li>   <li> # </li>   <li class="rotator-next"> # </li>   </ul>  </div>  <ul class="rotator-panels link-bogr1 linkro-ccox">   <li> /home/books/article-9674067/Our-demand-4-chickens-milk-40p-pint-driving-small-farmers-despair-ruin.html  /home/books/article-9674201/WHAT-BOOK-author-Victoria-Hislop-desert-island.html </li>  </ul>  </div>  <div class="fb">  <h2>Share this article</h2>  <div class="share">  <span class="wai">Share</span>  </div>  </div> </div> </div><p class="mol-para-with-font"><span class="mol-style-bold mol-style-medium debate-ccox">SUMMERWATER&nbsp;</span></p><div class="mol-img-group floatRHS" style="style"> <div class="mol-img">  <div class="image-wrap">  <img id="i-837a5e77ce00773b" src="" website height="464" width="306" alt="SUMMERWATER by Sarah Moss (Picador £8.99, 208 pp)" class="blkBorder img-share" style="max-width:100%">  </div>  <noscript>  <img id="i-837a5e77ce00773b" website height="464" width="306" alt="SUMMERWATER by Sarah Moss (Picador £8.99, 208 pp)" class="blkBorder img-share">  </noscript> </div> <p class="imageCaption">SUMMERWATER by Sarah Moss (Picador £8.99, 208 pp)</p></div><p class="mol-para-with-font"><span class="mol-style-bold">by Sarah Moss </span><span class="mol-style-bold">(Picador £8.99, 208 pp)</span></p><p class="mol-para-with-font">In a group of holiday chalets on the edge of a Scottish loch, a disparate collection of families has assembled.</p><p class="mol-para-with-font">David and Mary have been staying there for years.When were young, they used to come with friends for holidays that seemed, at least in retrospect, idyllic.</p><p class="mol-para-with-font">But now they are old; Mary is frail and confused and David, a retired GP, feels both pity and irritation at her decline.Domestic conflict is seething in the other chalets, too.</p><p class="mol-para-with-font">Resentful teenagers, a young mother whose children are disturbed by her struggle with depression, a twentysomething couple with comically different sexual agendas, and a household whose noisy partying disturbs the damp lochside peace.</p><p class="mol-para-with-font">Beginning at dawn, Sarah Moss's atmospheric novel follows the interior lives of each household, with a haunting sense of foreboding that by nightfall will have exploded into tragedy.</p><p class="mol-para-with-font"><span class="mol-style-bold mol-style-medium debate-ccox">SICILY ‘43</span></p><div class="mol-img-group floatRHS" style="style"> <div class="mol-img">  <div class="image-wrap">  <img id="i-a0035aacecdcc1a5" src="" website height="477" width="306" alt="SICILY ‘43 by James Holland (Corgi £9.99, 784 pp)" class="blkBorder img-share" style="max-width:100%">  </div>  <noscript>  <img id="i-a0035aacecdcc1a5" website height="477" width="306" alt="SICILY ‘43 by James Holland (Corgi £9.99, 784 pp)" class="blkBorder img-share">  </noscript> </div> <p class="imageCaption">SICILY ‘43 by James Holland (Corgi £9.99, 784 pp)</p></div><p class="mol-para-with-font"><span class="mol-style-bold">by James Holland </span><span class="mol-style-bold">(Corgi £9.99, 784 pp)</span></p><p class="mol-para-with-font">Like a blockbuster novel, James Holland's account of the 1943 Allied invasion of Sicily begins with thumbnail portraits of the principal personalities involved ? American, British, Canadian, German and Italian.</p><p class="mol-para-with-font">Operation Husky, a precursor to D-Day, was an extraordinary logistical challenge, involving elaborate plans to deceive the Axis powers, including ‘Operation Mincemeat', in which details of a ‘secret plan' to invade Sardinia were placed on a body dressed as a Royal Marines officer and floated ashore in southern Spain.</p><p class="mol-para-with-font">Brilliantly blending historical fact with vivid personal testimony by participants (among them was a 21-year-old Naval 1st Lt called Philip Mountbatten), Holland makes a persuasive case for the conquest of Sicily as a turning-point in the war.&nbsp;</p><!-- ad: website -->

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