This has been the question that I've been asking over the last two years since I first started giving my daughter the tablet that has all Youtube channels specifically designed for babies. These channels are specifically designed to help children learn, improve cognitive function, and to make them more socially and mentally competent. I can see my daughter taking pleasure in the content. She's constantly watching it with sparkling eyes and giggles waiting to fly off her lips. However, I do not understand all of the commercials. My child does not consume products so why are you insisting that I show my child ads on Youtube sometimes, not even those that look like babies?The first reason is that babies aren't able to comprehend commercials. This is a total waste of money and a waste of resources, not to mention the time and effort spent making and playing this commercial ad (video) to a baby.. They don't get it! It's impossible to say they are able to comprehend therefore why insist on showing them those ads? Are you saying that if mother or father, or other baby care workers are watching, they'll profit from the advertisements? It's becoming frustrating for me.The same is true for cat videos. Recently, I discovered that my cat loves to watch these stunning videos of cats. My cat can be found watching the videos for hours even though it is usually mice or birds. Hunting I suppose. These videos are repeatedly interrupted by ads. What is their purpose? My cat isn't a user of these videos. She doesn't even care about advertisements. They might think that they're watching videos with my cat. It's possible they're partially correct, but I find myself more interested in watching absurd cat videos than doing anything useful.<img width="300" src="">That's how I found a wonderful solution. This involves downloading Youtube videos directly to my computer or onto my daughter's tablet. Then, I can play them later. What do I mean? I came across this site that lets me store video on my computer instead of having to access it through Youtube each time my cat wishes to see birds. This lets me double-click an mp4 file on my computer. The file plays in VLC immediately and does not contain commercials.Similar process applies to baby videos. All the videos my daughter enjoys watching I download them from Youtube onto my computer and then copy them over onto her tablet. Sometimes if it's 1-2 songs, I only do it directly on her tablet, however it's easier to use this website using a desktop computer, and then copy video files to where you want the files, simply because it's easier to handle such things with mouse. Perhaps it's only me. Being an old-fashioned person I'm not sure.This proved to be an excellent method for saving data on mobile devices. This is an excellent way to save mobile data.I hope that you enjoyed my suggestions and tricks to make your home data-rich and Internet-rich. It may sound silly.

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