Selective Aggression. This term is subject to individual interpretation. It is not about being loose. Nor, is it a style that would tag a player as being aggressive. It means to play in good hands and in favorable circumstances aggressively. More importantly, in the case of the turbo, selective aggression is the muscle behind many of the moves. I have heard it likened to a coiled rattlesnake ready and waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. I like that poker betting 6) Play fast and aggressively Make your decisions quickly. This will make other players quit.Your aggressiveness will confuse them. is part of your psychological character to know that your opponent doesn?t pay mathematical attention to pot odds. Determine his character. Usually a mathematically-inclined player will get chips because all other players are making mathematically ill-advised moves. And the analysis behind this is a psychological analysis - the way how others play.On the first hand of play I was on the button and the big blind was missing.Everyone folded to the woman on the right, who raised. win poker betting I had Q-9, and called.The flop was perfect KJT. I bet and she raised.She called.It was a rag.She checked and folded.Many online poker websites now offer free play. This will give you the opportunity to learn the game rules and terminologies. You can also practice strategies on the free-to-play platform until you are ready to deposit real money.Heinz (who made the final table in November as one of Nine) was seated to my right. He is a great player. I wish him all the best for November. To my left were 2 other professional internet gamers.Here, I was also card dead. And, almost every time I raised, the player to my left would call. The flop would miss my call, and sometimes I would place a bet, other times I would check and surrender the pot. The reason not to c-bet every time was to project strength, and take down the pot. Too often players c-bet the flop, get called, and then give up on the turn with a check-fold.

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