There are different Techniques to Test a urine sample; Generally lines and Based on the analysis method used, the Analysis of urine Could be Categorized into:

Evaluation of a small urine sample by means of a test strip put into the sample. It's performed in precisely the exact same consultation. Results are obtained in 5-10 minutes . It's employed as a screening evaluation as it offers fundamental info. Used to rule out or confirm maternity, detect urine disease, diabetic decompensation...

Urine sediment
The urine sample goes via a centrifugation procedure where the fluid content of the urine is split (which can be lost for this particular study), by the strong content it will be analyzed with the support of a microscope. It enables detecting the existence of leukocytes in the urine or other compounds like red blood cells, including bilirubin, sugar or microproteins, amongst others, which are usually not discovered or are observed at very low levels and whose existence would make us guess that the existence of a pathology that has to be analyzed later with specific practices.

know more:<a title="how to use powdered urine for drug test" href="">how to use powdered urine for drug test</a>

know more about how to pass urine test powdered urine

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