Cuba publishes first photos of Fidel Castro in 5 months<h2>Cuba publishes first photos of Fidel Castro in 5 months</h2> <p class="author-section byline-plain">By /home/search.html?s=&amp;authornamef=Associated+Press </p> <p class="byline-section"><span class="article-timestamp article-timestamp-published"> <span class="article-timestamp-label">Published:</span> <time datetime="2015-02-04T00:51:38+0000"> 00:51 GMT, 4 February 2015 </time> </span>  <span class="article-timestamp article-timestamp-updated"> <span class="article-timestamp-label">Updated:</span> <time datetime="2015-02-04T00:51:51+0000"> 00:51 GMT, 4 February 2015 </time> </span> </p> <div id="articleIconLinksContainer"> <ul>  <li class="share-facebook-long"></li>  <li class="share-twitter"></li>  <li class="share-pinterest"></li>  <li class="share-flipboard">  </li>  <li class="share-fbmessenger">  </li>  <li class="share-email"> mailto:?subject=Read this: Cuba publishes first photos of Fidel Castro in 5 months&amp;body=Cuba%20publishes%20first%20photos%20of%20Fidel%20C &lt;span class= </li>  <li data-anchor="tl" data-twitter-status=" website via @" data-formatted-headline="Cuba publishes first photos of Fidel Castro in 5 months" data-hide-email="true" data-article-id="2937458" data-article-channel-follow-button="" data-is-channel="false" id="shareLinkTop" class="share-icons" data-placement="top" website <a href="#socialLinks"> </li> </ul> </div> <!-- ad: website --> <p><font style="font-size:1.2em;">HAVANA (AP) ? Cuba has published the first photos of Fidel Castro in more than five months, showing the 88-year-old former leader engaged in what appears to be a lively conversation with a university student.</font></p><p><font style="font-size:1.2em;">Nearly two dozen images were published virtually simultaneously on the websites of Cuba's main state media outlets around midnight Monday.In them, Castro is seated and discussing current events with the head of the main Cuban student union. A first-person account by student leader Randy Perdomo Garcia says the meeting took place on Jan. 23.</font></p><p><font style="font-size:1.2em;">The photos are the first images of the revolutionary leader since a set of photos came out in August showing him talking with Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.</font></p><div class="clear"></div> <div class="artSplitter"> <div class="image-wrap">  <img id="i-d281eeb8ef5af14e" src="" website height="362" width="634" alt="A screenshot of Cuba's website Cubadebate shows ten photos of Fidel Castro on their opening page in Havana, Cuba, Tuesday Feb. 3, 2015. Cuba has published th..." class="blkBorder img-share" style="max-width:100%"> </div> <noscript>  <img id="i-d281eeb8ef5af14e" website height="362" width="634" alt="A screenshot of Cuba's website Cubadebate shows ten photos of Fidel Castro on their opening page in Havana, Cuba, Tuesday Feb. 3, 2015. Cuba has published th..." class="blkBorder img-share"> </noscript> <p class="imageCaption">A screenshot of Cuba's website Cubadebate shows ten photos of Fidel Castro on their opening page in Havana, Cuba, Tuesday Feb.3, 2015. Cuba has published the first photos of Fidel Castro in five months, showing the 88-year-old former leader engaged in conversation with the head of the main Cuban student union. A first-person account by student leader Randy Perdomo Garcia says the meeting took place on Jan. 23. published around midnight on Monday are the first images of the revolutionary leader since a set of photos came out in August showing him talking with Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.(AP Photo)</p> </div><p><font style="font-size:1.2em;">Perdomo said that he and Castro met for more than three hours in the former leader's house after an event celebrating the 70th anniversary of Castro starting his studies at the University of Havana.</font></p><p><font style="font-size:1.2em;">The student leader said Castro said that he is keeping abreast of the news and performing daily exercises, and he engaged Perdomo in a wide-ranging discussion of topics including international politics, agriculture, astronomy, and even Namibia's donation of animals to Cuba's National Zoo.</font></p><p><font style="font-size:1.2em;">Perdomo said the two men discussed the release of three Cuban intelligence agents as part of the Dec.17 declaration by Cuba and the United States that they would move to re-establish full diplomatic relations. The photos show Castro examining a newspaper report on their release.</font></p><p><font style="font-size:1.2em;">"He's full of life, he keeps up his exercises and he reads closely," Perdomo told The Associated Press on Tuesday.He said that Castro rose from his seat without help, read several articles without help and remembered details of past events with astonishing recall.</font></p><p><font style="font-size:1.2em;">Castro did not issue a public statement for nearly a month after the announcement that Cuba and the U.S.were moving to re-establish full diplomatic relations. Castro's public appearances and statements have become increasingly infrequent since he stepped down from duties as president after a serious illness in 2006 and handed over leadership to his younger brother Raul.His unusually lengthy silence after the Dec. 17 announcement sparked intense speculation about his health.</font></p><p><font style="font-size:1.2em;">___</font></p><p><font style="font-size:1.2em;">Follow Michael Weissenstein at website class="clear"&gt; </font></p><div class="artSplitter"> <font style="font-size:1.2em;">  <div class="image-wrap">  <img id="i-79b10506745506f6" src="" website height="891" width="634" alt="A screenshot of Cuba's website Cubadebate shows a photo of Fidel Castro with the head of the main Cuban student union Randy Perdomo Garcia in Havana, Cuba, ..." class="blkBorder img-share" style="max-width:100%">  </div>  <noscript>  <img id="i-79b10506745506f6" website height="891" width="634" alt="A screenshot of Cuba's website Cubadebate shows a photo of Fidel Castro with the head of the main Cuban student union Randy Perdomo Garcia in Havana, Cuba, ..." class="blkBorder img-share">  </noscript> <p class="imageCaption">A screenshot of Cuba's website Cubadebate shows a photo of Fidel Castro with the head of the main Cuban student union Randy Perdomo Garcia in Havana, Cuba, Tuesday Feb.3, 2015. Cuba has published the first photos of Fidel Castro in five months, showing the 88-year-old former leader engaged in conversation with Perdomo Garcia. A first-person account by the student leader says the meeting took place on Jan. 23. The photos published around midnight on Monday are the first images of the revolutionary leader since a set of photos came out in August showing him talking with Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.(AP Photo)</p> </font></div><font style="font-size:1.2em;"><!-- ad: website --></font>

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