Facebook changes to Trending Topics questioned after blunder<h> https://www.gatesofantares.com/players/neal49hobbs/activity/1748971/ &gt;Facebook changes to Trending Topics questioned after blunder <p class="author-section byline-plain">By /home/search.html?s=&amp;authornamef=Associated+Press </p> <p class="byline-section"><span class="article-timestamp article-timestamp-published"> <span class="article-timestamp-label">Published:</span> <time datetime="2016-08-31T20:36:52+0100"> 20:36 GMT, 31 August 2016 </time> </span>  <span class="article-timestamp article-timestamp-updated"> <span class="article-timestamp-label">Updated:</span> <time datetime="2016-08-31T20:37:02+0100"> 20:37 GMT, 31 August 2016 </time> </span> </p> <div id="articleIconLinksContainer">  <ul>  <li class="share-facebook-long"></li>  <li class="share-twitter"></li>  <li class="share-pinterest"></li>  <li class="share-flipboard">  </li>  <li class="share-fbmessenger">  </li>  <li class="share-email"> mailto:?subject=Read this: Facebook changes to Trending Topics questioned after blunder&amp;body=Facebook%20changes%20to%20Trending%20Topics%20questioned%20after%20blunder%0A%0AMENLO%20PARK%2C%20Calif.%20%28AP%29%20%E2%80%94%20Facebook%27s%20changes%20to%20its%20%26quot%3BTrending%20Topics%26quot%3B%20section%20are%20being%20questioned%20after%20it%20featured%20a%20false%20report%20about%20Fox%20News%20anchor%20Meg...website &lt;span class= </li>  <li data-anchor="tl" data-twitter-status=" website via @" data-formatted-headline="Facebook changes to Trending Topics questioned after blunder" data-hide-email="true" data-article-id="3767456" data-article-channel-follow-button="" data-is-channel="false" id="shareLinkTop" class="share-icons" data-placement="top" website <a href="#socialLinks"> </li>  </ul> </div> <!-- ad: website --> <p><font style="font-size:1.2em;">MENLO PARK, Calif.(AP) ? Facebook's changes to its "Trending Topics" section are being questioned after it featured a false report about Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly.</font></p> <p><font style="font-size:1.2em;">The story posted Saturday falsely claimed Kelly had been fired by Fox because she secretly supported Democrat Hillary Clinton.</font></p> <p><font style="font-size:1.2em;">Another topic trending was #McChicken, which took users to stories about a video of a man using the McDonald's sandwich in a sex act.</font></p> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="artSplitter">  <div class="image-wrap">  <img id="i-d9d93a2fbb050639" src="" website height="422" width="634" alt="FILE - In this May 16, 2012, file photo, the Facebook logo is displayed on an iPad in Philadelphia. Changes to Facebook's Trending Topics section announced A..." class="blkBorder img-share" style="max-width:100%">  </div>  <noscript>  <img id="i-d9d93a2fbb050639" website height="422" width="634" alt="FILE - In this May 16, 2012, file photo, the Facebook logo is displayed on an iPad in Philadelphia. Changes to Facebook's Trending Topics section announced A..." class="blkBorder img-share">  </noscript>  <p class="imageCaption">FILE - In this May 16, 2012, file photo, the Facebook logo is displayed on an iPad in Philadelphia. https://controlc.com/56f453dc to Facebook's Trending Topics section announced Aug. 26, 2016, are being questioned after it featured a fake news story and another story about an inappropriate video. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke, File)</p> </div> <p><font style="font-size:1.2em;">Facebook announced Friday that an algorithm would select trending topics in place of humans but human editors would still screen them.</font></p> <p><font style="font-size:1.2em;">Menlo Park, California-based Facebook has apologized for the Kelly story, telling CBS News its editors mistakenly thought it was legitimate before realizing the error. https://duoqueue.net/members/hobbs53chu/activity/262133/ says that the McChicken topic doesn't violate its content policy and that any trending topic that reflects a real-world event may be featured.</font></p> <!-- ad: website --></h>

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