You also state in the article, "Something else happens as well. All of a sudden, once men reach the age of 25, they begin to let themselves go. No fancy clothes, no fancy shoes, hygiene drops, and they don’t put any real effort into taking care of their body. However, if you maintain your looks? Women throw themselves at you."

Where I going with this is that I plan on manipulating women based off of what this article says. My plan is to enlist in the US Army get my body built to perfection, develop a more alpha male persona and become an MP for three years so I can become a police officer in the civilian world. Cops do make decent salaries and most keep themselves in shape which as you stated in the article is the key to having women coming all over you.

I plan to marry and cheat on my wife and fool around for as long I can play women for fools. Basically you could say I will be a wolf in sheep's clothing to these older women in the future. I am doing this because I feel like I am missing out in my youth and I am very resentful about it.

I want to play the same game on women that women have played on me. Deep down I would like to just have nice relationships with women. But I don't see the light Assanova when it comes to young women. And I certainly will not settle for some fat/ugly woman either. What is a man to do?

You are Mode 4: the bitter guy that got manipulated by women and only seeks to get revenge because he thinks they are all bitches. You only hurt yourself by being this way. Yes, you may hurt women, but in the process, you are continuing to hurt yourself. No need to explain why.

Also, don't get married if it is your intention to cheat. I would only get into a serious relationship for one reason and one reason only: I plan on having children with the girl. And I will ALWAYS treat the mother of my children with nothing but respect and set the right example for my children to follow.

You also assume that just because I'm a bad boy asshole, that i treat women like shit. I don't. The appeal in bad boys is that the women who fall in love with them, fall for them because these bad boys have showed that they are really nice. In fact, most women don't fall for men because they are bad boys, they fall because of the bad boy is actually a really good guy, but he is unwilling to commit, and he has a lot of options when it comes to women.

Also, you assume that just because I can be manipulative that I am also a liar. Every single girl that I've cheated on, I've told that I cheated on her. I don't try to hide it. I may do things that I'm not proud of or wrong, but I am always honest about it. You have to understand that although I don't always do the right thing or the most macho thing, I am always REAL about who I am. I NEVER, EVER, encourage being fake and weak. You seriously need to re-examine yourself. Your frustration and hate stems not only from not being honest with women, but also from not being honest with yourself.

I am not a short guy, so I wouldn’t know. Just don’t worry about things that you have no control over. I’ve said this before: there were two guys in the local lair who were short and were getting laid like rock 

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