As we all know, currently the image ratio is accounting for 50% of all websites in the world.The decrease in website performance also entails a lot of things with it. For example, low user experience, reduced revenue. This is an example of Pinterest after successfully optimizing mobile web performance.Thereby we see, once the user experience is good, everything becomes better. Including .Therefore, not only the developer but also the designer himself needs to be responsible for using the website image effectively.Currently, websites around the world are tending to be heavier and heavier. As the statistics of show us, 7 years ago (2012/02/15) the average size of the website was 986 KB. At the time of statistics (2018-02-15), it has reached 3686 KB.In just 6 years, the website has increased by nearly **373.8%. **It proves that websites around the world are on a bad trend.Compared to previous years, video also occupies a large part of the website, but the one that occupies the most is the image.Why is website performance important?Every time the page load speed increases from 1s -&gt; 3s, the rate of users leaving the website increases by 32%Every time the page load speed increases from 1s -&gt; 5s, the rate of users leaving the website increases by 90%.<img width="398" src="">Every time the page load speed increases from 1s -&gt; 6s, the rate of users leaving the website increases by 106%Every time the page load speed increases from 1s -&gt; 10s, the rate of users leaving the website increases by 123%From there, we can see how the performance of the website has a great influence. It affects not only the user experience but also the company's revenue (users leaving the site increase -&gt; revenue naturally decreases).developer download ebook

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