Asia continues to dominate the list with another 100,000-seater stadium in Malaysia. It was constructed with the 1998 Commonwealth Games in mind and could be used for athletics as well.I also understand that FIFA won't change the rules until Adidas, McDonald's, Budweiser, and Nike tell them to. But in the wake of the worst refereed major sporting event since Wrestlemania, perhaps it's time for discussion about new ways for soccer to be officiated. I have a growing appreciation for the game, particularly it's sudden action and speed, the latter being an element that still eludes American professional sport and its break-in-the-action pace.<img width="409" src="">As a soccer player, I know that the sport, as well as its athletes, can be belittled, or even forgotten at times. Usually people are more concerned with baseball, basketball, or of course, football.I think many young players today just don't know what to do to improve their skills on their own. like basketball have very obvious things that players can do. Just about any basketball player knows to work on his jump shot. One can easily do this anywhere that has a hoop.Despite my growing appreciation for the game, however, the 2010 edition of the World Cup has lead me to the conclusion that soccer is a great sport but one not living up to its potential due to betrayal by its rules, officials and governing body. Watching FIFA and the referees smothering soccer's untapped potential is as frustrating as watching a jockey choke out a great thoroughbred.The coach himself should read out the content so that doubts are cleared then and there. By doing so, soccer parents will be made aware of the standards of the soccer coach as well as acceptable behavior during the game. This helps to avoid unpleasant situations in the future as the document can be presented at any given time.To play the game, you don't need much to begin. The basics include a pair of soccer shoes, clothing, shin guards, and a ball. Since soccer is a game you play with your feet, let's begin by discussing shoes.;ch=17694 are the most important equipment you'll own when playing soccer. They should fit snugly, like a glove, and allow for the maximum efficiency in control while playing. Shoes that are too loose fitting won't allow you the control you need when the ball comes your way.Make sure that the playing surface is safe. Avoid playing on soccer fields where you can obviously see holes on the surface. Check out the area for debris and other things which might cause you to trip. Soccer goals should be padded to avoid severe head injuries when you collide to the post. Never hang or crawl under the goal as many injuries and deaths happened because it tipped over.

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