Any of these shared-market policies invariably cost more to purchase than regular policies. The way most QuotesChimp get into the shared market is by having poor driving records or, sometimes, automobiles so customized that insurance companies are loathe to issue a policy. The good news is that the door to the shared marketplace swings both ways. Improve your driving record and you can probably get a regular and less expensive policy within a few years. QuotesChimp is safe to say that a great many people in this country are very unhappy about insurance. Some are angry with their indi?vidual companies, some with the insurance industry in general, and a great many more with both. True, part of this dissatis?faction is caused by insurance company practices and procedures and by weaknesses in the area of regulation (see Post 39). But too many consumers have only themselves to blame because of the poor manner in which they have gone about the task of shopping for insurance coverage.