One word, guys- DON’T. Why not? Among other reasons, many sex workers are the victims of sexual abuse when they were youunger. Therefore, sex is a bit different for them than it is for you. For many of them, it’s about power and control that they didn’t have then, so they’re looking for it now. This will bleed over into your life together. Also, many of them are borderline personality. You think women are crazy 2021-04-14 (水) 23:32:36 Brother, you have no idea- unless you’ve already been there, of course. I could tell you some stories, but discretion is the better part of valor. Just say “no!” to marrying a sex worker, unless they’ve verifiably given it up for good. Even then, you’d need to get into seeing a therapist together and offer your support to her, but also air your concerns that she might pick back up behind your back. Trust me. Because, with current or former sex workers, trust is a HUGE issue for her. She might think that you’re having an affair when you’re not, for example. So, she’ll make you pay for something you didn’t do- 10x what most women will do. Oh, speaking of paying, now us guys know that there’s no such thing as free sex- you always pay in one form or another. However, some methods of payment are more conventional than others. However, with most sex workers, they were indoctrinated via their abuse that sex is either a power thing or a money thing. Daddy gives them a treat as guilt for the abuse, then rapes them, back and forth, repeatedly. She doesn’t know which way is up, she’s so hurt and confused. It’s very sad- but, you probably can’t save her. She’s got to want to save herself. You can certainly help, and offer love and support, but she’s got to want to help herself, and thing that she’s drserving of that help. After she grows up, she’s determined that men will pay, one way or another, because that’s all she knows. All men are pigs to her, and she’s just looking to reinforce that view, usally, despite all of the professions of love, and this time it’s different. She’s never had a really loving relationship. In summary- it’s so complicated, that you just probably don’t want to go there. Possible outcomes- Violent arguments. Fighting all of the time. Her getting mad, and wrapping your car around a telephone pole. If you have a child together- God help you. Had enough of the madness, and now you’re trying to get custody of your child(ren)? There goes $100k or more, flying right out of your pocket, with no guarantees you’ll get custody, even keep your 401(k) and the rest of your assets, if you air all of the dirty laundry. So- don’t think with your schwantzes, gentlemen. Be careful! :) From one who has been there and done that, and had a lot of money to spend on a damn good attorney, and also had a good judge. But, if you’re really curious- get a airtight pre-nup, keep one eye open at night, don’t cheat on her (I didn’t- but if she even susoects- you’d better wear a steel chastity belt, to keep her from castrating you), keep your money separate, etc., etc. Consult an attorney before you get married (sober, hopefully). Caveat emptor, men.

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